Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
A few rainy days last week…beside those…exceptionally beautiful days with highs in the low 60’s. Went and saw Rob, Pam and Wally in Watersmeet on Friday. Very beautiful drive down and back. We got to see the green erupt when we were moving them down in the spring and now, we get to see the colors explode as we go down in the fall. Going back down in two weeks and the colors are supposed to be at their peak. Have had to turn our furnace on a few days at the house already; also turned on a little heat at the church on Sunday morning. We are entering into that time of year. Very thankful for the Lord’s provision of a new copier for the church. Our recent copier was quite old and not repairable. Amazing how the Lord provides; the copier was just given to us at no cost!
Rob and Pam are doing well in Watersmeet. Experiencing some struggles due to COVID, still they are there are ministering as the Lord brings many and varied opportunities their way. Please continue to pray for them.
Got to visit with Bill and Claudyne this past week. Bill had a mild heart attack the week before. He is home and doing OK…gaining his strength back. This week he should have his final chemo treatment. Please be praying for both of them. Always enjoy getting to see their menagerie of animals…a turkey, several ducks and geese and chickens. Also got some wonderful fresh eggs that I’m enjoying for my breakfast.
Had to have a few minor tests run on my heart this morning at the hospital. While there, I ran into a guy, who has been to church; he was having a difficult time…facing some struggles in his life. While I can’t make hospital calls right now…the Lord worked it out that I could pray with him and his family. Please pray for him and his wife also at this time.
Sunday’s message started back in the book of 2 Peter. Since all the disruptions since March, we have been looking at the book of Psalms. Many applicable chapters to the times we are going through. In 2 Peter. we have been working on memorizing the theme verse found in 2 Peter 3:17-18. In chapter 1:12 there is another focal point for this book with Peter reminding his readers to remember the truths of the Gospel and God’s word, and, as he nears the end of his life, he what wants to remind them once more of these truths. Something we all need to be reminded of…knowing and growing in the knowledge of the truth of God’s word should be most important in all our lives.
By God’s Amazing Grace,
Pastor Kevin Hausman