Dear Brothers and Sisters in Messiah,
Last week we thought winter was here to stay and now it looks and feels like Spring. The snow has melted, and the temperatures have been in the 60’s and 70’s. It has been beautiful…even sat on our deck for a bit yesterday. Hauled another load a firewood for the winter, thanks to the Emmerts! Need to cover my little trees and I think we may be set to go. No progress has been made on the computer problem this week, with Doug being down. Please continue to pray that it can be easily repaired and back up and running by this next Sunday.
Got to go down and see Rob and Pam this past week. They are doing well, and little Wally is growing quickly. Had a hard time finding a place to eat so we ended up getting some sandwiches at the grocery store and eating in the park. It was a beautiful day…hard to believe we could do that in November. Please pray for Rob and Pam as they head to candidate school with Village Missions next week.
Bible studies continue to go well. The ladies have added a few new members as well as a few new kids that are coming to choir. Some of the ladies haven’t been in a Bible study before, so, it is exciting to see their enthusiasm. The choir is working on a song for Thanksgiving as well as getting ready for Christmas. It is fun to be working with them. We are also trying to get some piano classes started before, and maybe after, choir practice to fill in the time so their Mom’s can enjoy the Bible Study.
Sunday’s message was from Psalm 115. With the events going on in our nation with the election last week, I thought it would be good to shift away from Jude for a week. Psalm 115 begins with an encouragement for us to give glory to God…regardless of circumstances…regardless of anything that is happening…God is always the center…He is to always be the focus. God is always in control of all things. Idols are nothing and they can do nothing. We’re not just talking about carved images, but also anything that we may depend on outside of God. All of that is worthless. We can always trust in the Lord; He is our help and our shield. His blessing will come to those who fear Him. God is the maker of all things and we are to praise Him at all times and in every circumstance for He is the ruler of this earth!
By God’s Amazing Grace,
Pastor Kevin Hausman