Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,
Drove over to L’Anse yesterday for a doctor’s appointment yesterday. Beautiful drive with bright sun all day. It was, however, pretty cold with the high staying under 40 degrees. We are sure ready for some green leaves…just waiting for them to show up. Have heard it is supposed to warm up this week…maybe…
This past weekend we delivered flowers to most of the ladies in the church, wishing them all a Happy Mother’s Day. It was good to be out and get to see some of you, even if it was at a distance. It was nice to hear from most of our kids on Sunday wishing Leslie happy Mother’s Day. We did have some snow in the air Sunday afternoon…did I mention we’re ready for green leaves.
It was good to get started with the Contenders Bibliology class this past week. Had a good turnout on Monday with some attending at the church and others attending via Zoom. Still not too late if you would be interested in joining us…just let me know and I’ll include you in the invite for next Monday. We are ready to see some green leaves!
Have some buds on the bushes outside my office as well as little bumps on the red maple. The tulips and daffodils are coming up on the side of the church with the buds just starting to show. The 12’ snow pile across from our house is down to around 2 or 3 feet along with a very large lake that shows some beautiful reflections at different times of the day. Really looking forward to some green leaves.
Sunday’s message came from Psalm 139. This Psalm teaches that God is omniscient (all knowing), omnipresent (always present), and also omnipotent (all powerful). He knows when we sit and when we stand and He knows what we’re going to say before we do. There is no place we can go that God is not there and we can see His power in the way He has so intricately designed us. Excited to have three babies around right now; Camp’s grand-daughter, Wally Yerks, and of course my grandson Kevin . When you look at them, and watch them grow, you can see the intricacy of God’s design. May our great God search and know each of us as we seek to serve Him.
Pastor Kevin Hausman