Dear Brothers and Sisters in Messiah,
It is amazing when you realize all the “stuff” you have when you have to move it. We are making pretty good progress packing up the house with the top floor and main floor close to being finished. That leaves the basement and many kids “things” to go through. We are planning a large garage sale this coming Saturday and two of Leslie’s sisters are coming to help with that. We have a few more kids flying in next Wednesday, who will help with loading the moving van and driving all the vehicles, along with those here who have offered to help. We plan to load the van on Thursday, and head out on Friday. We will arrive in Scotia on Monday morning. It is an exciting time…getting to see our kids and grandkids more frequently, and getting to meet the people in Scotia! It is also a very sad time…saying goodbye to the many friends that we have here.
I have been very impressed and excited to see the many men who are stepping up with this big change. Marc is going to finish the book of Ephesians; Bob is getting ready to teach on 1 John after that…I’m sure Daryl will step in when needed, along with several others who are quite capable. As has often been said…they really don’t need us. More than that, it is a testimony to God’s work in so many lives and His care for His body. Please be praying for these men through this time.
Another matter of prayer is for Village Missions as they seek the next pastor and family that will have the pleasure of serving here in Calumet. We are thankful for David and Joann who have gotten to know so many here and have sent out a questionnaire to the elders regarding the needs they see for a new pastor. It was good to hear David say that we are not on the bottom of the list, in waiting, they will fill the need with the best person for this position. The timing of their arrival is unknown to us, and yet, God knows them already, He has them picked out and is preparing them for a fruitful time of ministry up here. (I am jealous they will get to enjoy the snow and I won’t.)
Happy Mother’s Day to all you ladies! We looked at Psalm 62 this Sunday and how we can always trust the Lord whether you are a Mom building into your kids’ lives, or any of us going through this life. God alone is our rock and salvation! Our hope is in Him.
By God’s Amazing Grace,
Pastor Kevin Hausman
P.S. This will likely be my final letter for several weeks. I am hoping to start back up about the middle of June after we have settled into Scotia a bit. If you would like to continue to receive these letters, please send me an email indicating that you would like to be kept on the list.
As you know ministry is not something that we do on our own, it really is a group effort. We would appreciate your prayers as we get to know the people of Scotia and encourage them in their walk with the Lord. While prayer is our greatest need, there are also financial needs that need to be met. If you would be interested in helping in that area, please send me your physical address and I will mail you a brochure with that information, or you can go to, click on the LOCATE tab, type in Hausman and follow the prompts from there.