Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
What a beautiful weekend here…not too hot, not too cold, and beautiful sunshine. Went to two outdoor graduation parties for kids from the Christian School. Really was nice to see many people and be outside. Today looks to be more of the same beautiful weather, perhaps a bit warmer. Plants are looking good in the front of the church…will be fun when they bloom.
Yesterday we had our resurrection celebration at the church. It was a “redo” of our Easter service…had some great music with Marc adding in the trumpet and Stephani doing a solo on her flute. Each week our numbers are increasing. Not sure how things are in your part of the world…there is a difference here. It is wonderful to be back together, but it seems our world has changed. Pray for wisdom in the days ahead…and also for our nation and the turmoil in the world. It is great to know the One who is in control and has the future in His hands.
Had another lady say she is interested in joining the Bibliology class that is meeting on Monday nights. It has been exciting to see people digging into God’s word. One of the first assignments is writing an outline of the Bible. It is a matter of going through the Bible and writing down all the chapter headings. Quite a large task, many in the class are already finished and others are nearing the end. They are all talking about how exciting it is to go through the whole Bible, and how they are wanting to dig deeper, having to stop themselves from reading further as they are just doing an outline.
Sunday’s message on the resurrection was from Psalm 22. This Psalm reads as an eyewitness account of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection and it was written 1,000 years before any of these events happened. Some have called it the Gospel of David. More assurance that God’s word is true…when something written so many years before, is fulfilled in every detail. As Jesus bore our sins on the cross, the Father’s wrath was poured out on Him, the wrath we deserved. In verse 22 we have a major change in the tone of the Psalm…from Jesus’ cry of utter abandonment by the Father, to His exultation and victory in the resurrection. He has performed it…it is finished!
Pastor Kevin Hausman