Dear Brothers and Sisters in Messiah,
It certainly is a strange winter here this year with only half of our usual snowfall. Some of our kids have been here this weekend, and for them there is a lot of snow. It has been great fun watching the grandkids sledding and trying to skate. It has been a great time.
We are continuing to progress with our Do Over program. We are looking for ways to reach out to people in our community who have been hurt by a church in the past. We are seeking to make the truth clear and that people might understand more clearly the great hope of our salvation. This is something new that the Lord has laid on several of the men’s hearts in our church, please be praying for wisdom as they seek to do this.
Bible Studies and Youth Group will all be starting up next week. Ladies are meeting at 3:30 and looking into the book of Revelation. The Kid’s Choir starts at 4PM, worship practice is at 6 and New Testament Survey and Youth Group start at 7. Please feel free to join any of these or let us know if you would like to meet via zoom. We all need to be finding ways to be walking in His word each day.
Please be in prayer for several people in our congregation with health needs… John and Donna are headed back to Mayo for more treatments for John’s cancer. Phil and Barb always need our prayers as do Cliff and Barb. Also, Vic and Dawn and Walt could use our prayers at this time.
Sunday’s message continued our look at Psalm 119; this week focusing on some of the verbs that are found throughout the Psalm. There are many things that the Psalmist needs to be doing with God’s Word, and that we should be doing also. We need to walk in His word (verse 1), observe His word (verse 2) and treasure His word (verse 11). We also need to be learning His word (verse 12), meditate on His word (verse 15) and delight in His word (verse 16). Verse 116 says we should not forget His word…we should remember it and we should always be looking at it and thinking about it (verse 18). May we all make these our goals in this New Year.
By God’s Amazing Grace,
Pastor Kevin Hausman