Dear Brothers and Sisters in Messiah,
It is strange to have the snow just keep coming and the temperatures staying so cold. Snow blowing has become a daily exercise as the snowplow goes by every morning…in order to get out of our driveway the pile of snow he leaves has to be moved. My window at the church now only affords a view of the cloudy sky…no more road…just the roof of the sanctuary, part of a tree across the street and the clouds. I don’t remember snow like this since we moved up here. We are still behind last years total, but the way this snow has fallen the piles if snow around town are getting very high and the roads are getting quite narrow.
I will not be sending out a letter for the next couple of weeks. We and Leslie’s sister and husband are heading to Florida for 10 days. It will actually be nice to get out of the cold for a bit, that is assuming that our flight takes off; hope we don’t have to make a trip to Chicago to get out. We are headed down to Miami and the Everglades. Please pray that we will have a restful time as well as good time with the Lord. Marc will be speaking next Sunday and the next Sunday, Bob will be speaking. I am very thankful to these men for their desire to share the word, please be praying for them both. I look forward to watching on-line.
This week’s Bible Studies, Youth Group and choir are all scheduled to happen this afternoon. Next week, all are cancelled as we will be gone. We will return on Friday February 26th and we will be having a short choir practice on Saturday at 11:00AM. We are also planning to take part in the virtual Village Missions National Banquet on Saturday the 27th at 6:30 PM. Everyone is invited…check with the elders for more information.
Sunday’s message continued our look at Ephesians 1:11-14. Verses 3-14 in the Greek are actually one very long run-on sentence showing us the glories of our salvation and the glory due to God because of our salvation. God has given us a great and sure inheritance and has given us His Holy Spirit as a seal to prove, once again, that what He says is always true. So many wonderful truths we see in these verses…He has blessed us, He has chosen us, He has adopted us, He has redeemed us, and He has given us a great and sure inheritance.
By God’s Amazing Grace,
Pastor Kevin Hausman