Dear Brothers and Sisters in Messiah,
It is amazing that we finally got some snow. There are a few of us who were glad to see it get started. Not a large amount fell…only about 3 or 4 inches. I did get to run the snow blower this morning and the plow actually came by. Hard to believe it is only the second time for the plow. I think there is more snow in the forecast…we’ll see. With the small amount of snow that has fallen, it has been very icy; very difficult to walk and stay upright…thankfully I’ve been successful at that…so far!
Last night was the Christmas program for the Kid’s choir. There was a great turnout, and the program went very well. Their singing is really quite good. One of my highlights for the night was when one of the kids told me this was the biggest night of their life For the program we built a nativity scene…as each group entered, we sang a different Christmas carol. During one of those songs as a few of the kids walked up the aisle…one of them, all by herself, was singing the alto part clear as could be. It was a very nice evening and ended with a beautiful snowfall.
This week will be our last Bible Studies and choir practice for the year. It has been encouraging to see several new people coming and growing in God’s word! The ladies have finished the first part of Revelation and the NT Survey is finished with the Gospels, Acts, Galatians and Thessalonians. I appreciate the time and study that so many have put into these.
Sunday’s message continued our look at Jesus in the Old Testament. Our main focus was on the part of the Old Testament called the Ketuvim in Hebrew…it is the books of Psalm, Proverbs and the like. We also had a few references from the early prophets starting with the book of Joshua. It is amazing all that can be found about Jesus in the Old Testament. In Joshua we see that Jesus leads the way for the redeemed, in Judges Jesus is our Judge and Savior. Jesus is also the promised descendant of King David who will reign as King forever. Jesus is God’s temple, and He is our prophet. Then we come to the book of Psalms…many things are recorded there. Jesus is God’s only begotten son, He was forsaken by God, He was raised from the dead, He is the Shepherd, He makes us clean, He is David’s Lord and High Priest and Jesus is the Word and the Light.
By God’s Amazing Grace,
Pastor Kevin Hausman