Dear Brothers and Sisters in Messiah,
April already…and a good portion of our snow is gone. Have noticed a few tulips, and other plants, starting to come up. Temperature today is supposed to be near 60. Has been an easy winter this year…snow totals still under 200 inches. The excitement of spring has begun!
Had a very nice drive Friday afternoon as we headed down to Watersmeet to share in their Passover/Seder service and meal. There was a group of us that went down and joined with them as we remembered Passover and the events that are connected with the events in the Upper Room. Rob and Pam were the Father and Mother for the meal, and it was exciting to watch them with the people down there. The food of course was delicious. I also enjoyed getting to play their grand piano.
Yesterday’s resurrection service went well. I am thankful for all the people that worked to make it a great time of celebration. Marc added his trumpet in on several songs, which is always a nice addition. Julie on the organ, Stephani singing and, on the piano, Doug singing along with Bob and Tim on the guitars. Then there are all the people behind the scenes…Jim, Micaela, and Doug (again) upstairs doing all the technical stuff that I just don’t understand. And then all those that helped with the breakfast before church. It really was a very nice day!
The message looked at how Jesus was in control of all things surrounding His death. His death was not an accident or mistake. It was part of God’s great plan of redemption made before the foundation of the world. Jesus was in control of His betrayal, in control of His arrest, in control of His denial, in control of how He died, in control of when He died, in control after His death…He was pierced, and no bones were broken. He was also in control of where He was buried. Pilate thought he was the authority, but Jesus was the One who had all authority. At His arrest in the garden, He asked who they were seeking, they answered, Jesus of Nazareth. He responded with I AM. God’s name given to Moses at the burning bush. By the power of His name, they all fell down. By the power of His name forgiveness is possible, our debt of sin has been paid in full. Praise God He is risen!
By God’s Amazing Grace,
Pastor Kevin Hausman