Dear Brothers and Sisters in Messiah,
It does look the snow has finally begun for this year. Have run my snowblower most every day this past week. One of the days the snow from the plow, which hadn’t sat very long, was very difficult to get through…like it had instantly glued together. The next day it was so light and fluffy I probably could’ve cleaned my whole driveway with my leaf blower. We have had some beautiful days with snow falling most of the day, with those big giant flakes. I believe we have also passed the 100” mark, only a month and a half behind last year’s totals.
Last week we had close to 30 kids attend the choir practice. It was quite amazing and fun! Most of their Mom’s also attended the ladies Bible Study so we had a very busy afternoon. It is exciting to see how God is working in so many different ways. The choir will be singing next Sunday.
It looks like our DO OVER ministry will be getting started up next month, February 17. We are hoping to reach out to people in our community who may have had struggles with the “church” in the past. The hope is that we can point them to the truth of God’s word and show them how God has intended His body to function in this world. Please pray for wisdom, and that the Lord will work in people’s hearts and give them hope.
We continued our look in Psalm 119 in the message this week, looking specifically at what the Psalmist says about God. There are many inferences about God throughout the Psalm, but there are also some specific things that he says about God. Jeremiah 9:23-24 says that we should boast in knowing and understanding God. Psalm 119:64 says that the earth is full of God’s lovingkindness, verse 68 says that God is good and does good. In verse 73 we read that God is our Creator, verse 90 says that He is faithful. Verses 137 and 142 talking about how God is a righteous God, and in verse 151 we read that God is near. In verse 156 we read that God is a merciful God. The more we know God, as He has revealed Himself in His word, the more our lives should be changed. Charles Spurgeon, at age 20, said that nothing will so enlarge the intellect, nothing so magnify the whole soul of man, as a devout earnest continued investigation of the great subject of the Deity. May we all be growing in the grace and knowledge of God!
By God’s Amazing Grace,
Pastor Kevin Hausman