Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We still have the cookies ‘n cream snow, but it is decreasing quite rapidly. I got my firewood last fall in the midst of the first snowstorm; left quite a mess in my yard. One day last week at noon half of the pile was out of the snow…by evening the whole pile was visible. Yesterday afternoon I got that all cleared up and then with the help of the women in my house, we moved our pile of firewood so we can get off the deck. I was worried all winter long that I didn’t have enough wood…what a waste of time! It is all stacked and split against the back of the garage…probably enough for next winter.
Had a nice drive last week to the East side of the Peninsula (I always call it the Atlantic side ). Nice sunshine…clear water…gentle waves…very beautiful! We did eat our lunch at a picnic table by the Tobacco River but when we were finished, we were ready to get back in the car as it was still a bit chilly to be eating outside. Always so amazed how clear the water is and that you can see the rocks under the water so clearly.
Quite a few tulips are coming up on the side of the church along with some of the new daffodils that got planted last fall (thanks to the Scafones ). The bushes in the front of the church took quite a beating from the snow, more and more though, they are popping up. I just checked and most of the snow is gone in front. No problem with handicap parking now!
Sorry about the problems with the video on Sunday! Not really sure what happened; we hope to have a new camera soon that will hopefully alleviate these problems! Very thankful for how God has used the Contenders classes in so many different ways. Appreciate the message Marc, who took the Contenders Evangelism, Preaching and Teaching class, gave from the book of Habakkuk. Even though written 2500+ years ago there is much we can learn. Like Habakkuk we need to maintain our sensitivity to sin. Are we watching…proclaiming the truth we are called to proclaim? Are we submitting to God’s sovereign control in our lives? Are we seeking to know His glory…looking for Him in His word? And then…are we choosing, by faith, to rejoice in God. Do we have hind’s feet, holding to God in difficult times?
Pastor Kevin Hausman